
Seeing life accurately makes all the difference

This is the first step to changing your life and becoming fearless,
confident & happy.
Our Fear Assessment cannot be taken on a mobil device - you must be on a computer. Please visit our full site and take us up on this amazing FREE experience.
Have you ever been lost, even though you had a map?
A map is useless if you don't know where you are.
The most useful map is the one at the mall with the little red arrow that says "You are here".
You must know where you are now - before you can figure out where to go.
Our amazing version of the Hartman Value Profile Assessment Tool will show
you where you are now. It will give you the chance to see on paper, how fear is
affecting your life, how your subconscious thought processes drive your behavior
and how your values affect your decisions. (The Hartman Institute owns the copyright
to the test portion of our assessment and we are grateful they let us use it.)
Our clients are AMAZED at how accurately this test measures the way the think and see the world. It is unlike any Personal Assessment on the market today. It is a powerful tool for personal, professional and team development.
You will be asked to rank 18 statements according to how "good" or "bad" they are. This is not about whether they are true in your life, but how good or bad they are relative to the other things on the list. Just go with your gut and put the most good thing on top and the most bad thing on the bottom, and so forth.
Take your time and think about what each statement means in the world. If it says "I hate my work" - the question is how bad of a thing is it to hate your work, relative to the other things on the list.

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