
Seeing life accurately makes all the difference
Darroll Young
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not the absence of fear.”
Darroll Young is a National Speaker, NCAA Division 1 Athletic player and coach, a veteran of two wars, and husband and father of 5 wonderful kids. Darroll won a championship as both a football player and as an assistant coach for the Utah State University basketball team. He later graduated with his Master’s degree in Public Administration from Brigham Young University.
Darroll is a veteran, having served in the Air Force for over 6 years. He deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom 11 days after the September 11th attacks in 2001. There, as a new lieutenant, he was asked to build a brand new base from the sand up in a secret location. He also deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom where he worked closely with the Base Commander, government officials and ambassadors to the country to ensure the US relations remained strong.
For a decade, Darroll has toured the country teaching dynamic leadership skills. He empowers courage under pressure, strong character values and leadership tools to both young and young-at-heart in a highly and inspiring approach. He currently lives in Utah County and can be found on his webpage darrollyoung.com.
Ralph Waldo Emerson - “Fear defeats more people than any other one thing in the world.”
Darroll Richard Young
Professional Executive Life Coach

"Darroll, I wanted to thank you for all the time and effort you put in to helping me work through the Clarity Point program. Your constant encouragement and willingness to put your whole self out there through the program helped me immensely. I found your personal experiences and stories helped me process my own thoughts and emotions. Your up-beat attitude helped keep me going even when the process was hard and my fears threatened to halt my progress. I am truly grateful that I was able to share that experience with you and even though we've never met I consider you a trusted friend. Thank you very much,
Justus Reynolds"
FIRST - Set up one introductory appointment with a Coach and give coaching a try. See if you like it and the Claritypoint approach.
If you like it, you have a couple options:
Small Group Coaching - These groups have 4-6 women or men. The sessions are done by conference call, every other week for six months. (So you can do the program from the comfort of your home.)You spend 1.5-2 hours with your coach learning the material, having discussions and experiences together as a group. You also have daily homework in between sessions. This consists of a small reading assignment and some journal writing. Many people love the group format because they learn so much from each other and make some great friends. This is the most inexpensive way to experience coaching.
Executive Life Coaching - You can work with a coach one on one, meeting weekly to experience the Claritypoint process in it's most life changing format. You will gain rock-solid self-esteem, communication and relationship skills, time management, motivation repair, and cure your fear of failure forever. This process will be customized to fit your specific needs and schedule.
Darroll is a seasoned professional speaker (along with being a caring and wise coach) Read more about hiring Darroll to speak at your event at...