
Seeing life accurately makes all the difference

Kirk Godfrey
Kirk has a Bachelors Degree in Family Studies and a Masters Degree in Education. He assisted with an LDS ARP support group for pornography addiction (including support for spouses and family members affected) for 5 years. He is a popular speaker and was twice listed in Who's Who Among American Teachers.
Individual and Couples Coach & Speaker
"I have spent quite a bit of time over the years reading, and working on myself, my habits, etc. but never seemed to get at the core of some of my challenges. Well, when I took the Clarity Point Assessment, it immediately blew me away. I knew that what I was looking at was true and accurate, and my wife just said "I was trying to tell you some of those things." Of course I knew that too, because this obviously wasn't just coincidence. After looking at some of the coaches bios. and talking with them, I decided to see if Kirk could help me out.
Well, to make a long story short, he has helped me tremendously, and I really can't say enough about him and the program. I'm still working on the tools I received through the coaching, and have found them invaluable to overcoming fears and getting on with my life. In a nut shell, if you really want lasting and effective change,and are willing to put in the work, take this coaching, and get your loved ones/friends to also. Thanks again Kirk!"
- Michael C.
"Kirk is a highly qualified ClarityPoint coach. He is kind, compassionate, genuine, trustworthy, and easy to talk to. Kirk has helped me to make significant changes in my life and has provided me valuable insight, support, and self coaching tools which I will be able to use the rest of my life."
- Kathleen R.
"I wanted to take a minute to express my gratitude for Kirk Godfrey and Clarity Point Counseling.
I have struggled for years with anxiety that has been very debilitating. I have battled being a perfectionist and having to control every situation. This behavior was taking its toll on my relationships with my family and friends. I found myself unhappy all of the time because my happiness was based on others choices and the circumstances I would find myself in. I would wake up in the middle the night with panic attacks. I was miserable.
A good friend of mine suggested I contact Kirk after she had been through the coaching process. She couldn't say enough good about what it had done for her and her family. I was very nervous at first, but after my first meeting with him, I knew this would be something that would help me.
I no longer live in fear and anxiety. I am able to see every situation more clearly and without distress. It has help me interact with others better. It's taught me how to diffuse contention and has strengthen my relationships with my husband, teenagers, co-workers and friends. It's helped me learn how to forgive myself and others. I am able to see life's experiences from a different perspective then the small knot whole that use to shield my vision. It has taught me how to live in the present and take one day at a time. I have learned how to manage my choices better so that i am not over scheduled and over stressed. I have learned to love myself and be more accepting of my imperfections. Don't get me wrong, I am still me and I am not perfect nor do I live in perfect circumstances, but when a conflict or anxiety arises, i have all the tools I need to empower myself to make a change in my attitude or behavior. I truly love where I am right now.
I would highly recommend Kirk to anyone who is in need of a life change. He was patient and kind. He has a calming presence and is a wise man. I never felt like he was placing judgment on me or my experiences. He is a great listener and never forced his opinions on me. He gently guided and help me find my own answers. I will consider him a dear friend for the rest of my life.
Thank you Kirk!!"
"I started looking inward about 4 years ago. I knew I needed change. I knew I was unhappy, controlling, pessimistic, and not living true to myself. I had taken on many bad habits to cope and hide. I began working the LDS church's ARP 12 step program and found a lot of healing there. As I looked deeper, I recognized that all of my negative behaviors were fear based. And that the fears inside of me were very strong, had been there a very long time, and wanted to be left alone!
I had no idea how to overcome and fight these fears, but knew I needed to so I could live free and true. Along came Kirk and Clarity Point Coaching....right on time and just when I needed them!
First, let me tell you about - Kirk. He has a very calming personality. He listens without judgement, and was able to guide me and encourage me. I felt comfortable talking about my fears, my habits, and my negative behaviors....all the things I'd hidden from the world for so long. He is a safe place. He has amazing insight, and was able to see and hear what I thought I wanted, and then, guided me along to what I really needed. I could approach him throughout the week as I had questions and struggles; and I always felt important and supported.
Second - the coaching process. This is hard work. Its going to take determination. There is no magic wand at the end that will be waved over your head and you'll be fixed. You'll do all of the hard work....the journaling, homework, readings, looking inward to uncomfortable places, changing thought patterns, and habit patterns. Your coach will be there to encourage, guide, and help....yet you will have to be committed to the full process of hard work to really change. And change you will! There are so many tools, so many truths to learn, and new ways to think. I am so different. I know who I am, I know in Whom I trust, I let things go that used to consume me, I am able to open my heart and love, I can now stand up for myself with accuracy. I put the things that matter most...first. This has brought peace, happiness, and truth into my life. Be prepared to work hard, don't be surprised when your fears fight back, and please know that it will be worth every effort!
Your life can and will change!"
Haley M
Syracuse UT
(call or text)
Kirk has been actively involved in the LDS Addiction Recovery Program in a support and leadership role for 5 years. He knows how to help those battling with addiction to make the needed changes and create the lives they want. He is a kind, understanding coach with great wisdom and compassion. His schooling, work, and coaching experience has helped many individuals and couples create the changes they want.
FIRST - Set up one introductory appointment with a Coach and give coaching a try. See if you like it and the Claritypoint approach.
If you like it, you have a couple options:
Small Group Coaching - These groups have 4-6 women or men. The sessions are done by conference call, every other week for six months. (So you can do the program from the comfort of your home.)You spend 1.5-2 hours with your coach learning the material, having discussions and experiences together as a group. You also have daily homework in between sessions. This consists of a small reading assignment and some journal writing. Many people love the group format because they learn so much from each other and make some great friends. This is the most inexpensive way to experience coaching.
Executive Life Coaching - You can work with a coach one on one, meeting weekly to experience the Claritypoint process in it's most life changing format. You will gain rock-solid self-esteem, communication and relationship skills, time management, motivation repair, and cure your fear of failure forever. This process will be customized to fit your specific needs and schedule.