
Seeing life accurately makes all the difference
Linda Grace Cox
Do you have low self esteem?
Are you feeling that your health and weight are out of control?
Is it hard feeling motivated to get out of bed in the morning?
Are your relationships not as you had expected?
Do you recognize these problems being a result of low self-esteem? Low self-esteem can be traced back to fear. Fear is the root cause of most problems you face.
Fear will rob you of peace, joy, and motivation.
Can you even imagine a life without fear, stress, and worry?
Fear comes from what we believe about ourselves, written on our subconscious mind, recorded from experiences we had when we were little children. I'll help you eliminate fear of failure and loss and to reprogram your subconscious mind.
I'll give you tools of discovery to see yourself, others and situations accurately so that you can make better choices, build better relationships, feel fearless and you'll be empowered to create the life you want!
If you will do the work, your life will be changed, like magic. It doesn't matter what your external circumstances are, my life coaching will help you.
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
I will be your greatest cheerleader!
I was taught and trained by Kim Giles, founder of ClarityPoint Life Coaching.
Professional Life Coach
Self Esteem Expert
"Linda~ Thank you so much for sharing Claritypoint Coaching with me! It is a wonderful program! I feel so blessed to have been able to experience it. You are an amazing coach! This coaching has opened up a world of possibilities for me. I look at my negative life experiences totally differently than I did before. The effect this has had on my family relationships has been positive and joyful. I now choose to come to life full of trust and love and leave fears behind. I wish everyone had the opportunity to go through Clarity Point Coaching with Linda!! If you get the chance, don’t pass it up!"
~~ Karla Grinnell ~~
"I am so excited to report that the ClarityPoint program changed my life! I’ve experienced a painful past, and spent time with counselors for years, working through the trauma I experienced as a child.
When I returned from my mission a couple of years ago I was on a spiritual high. As life settled in, I found myself unmotivated, I felt like I wasn’t being productive, I didn’t know which direction to take..
With encouragement from my family, I began ClarityPoint life coaching. I have come to understand how valuable I am and I realize everything that shows up in my life is something to learn from.
I’ve figured out what I enjoy doing, and I can see my strengths and gifts that I have to give to the world! I’ve become more confident, believing I will succeed! I’ve recognized that time management is an area of needed improvement for me. As an artist, I’ve always struggled to manage my time wisely!
I now recognize some of what I’m good at and admitting my strengths doesn’t make me a show off because I can see others have their own God-given gifts! I believe when I put my talents into action, accomplishments will be mine! I love photography and look forward to starting a business!
I also realize one of my other gifts is teaching children. For now it’s a Sunday school class, and I’ll keep my eyes open for other opportunities that will show up in my life!
Every session I attended, I started by saying, I’m so excited! Linda would always tell me I’m an A student because I would do my ‘homework’, reading the material, taking time to pay attention to my feeling and write it down in my journal!
My last couple sessions I really felt that the end of coaching is bitter-sweet! I am excited to continue to use the techniques and worksheets I received however I’ll miss my weekly visits with Linda. The good news is we live in the same area so we can get together in person!
I want everyone to know that no matter what we’ve experienced, I’m living proof, we can create wonderful relationships!"
- Hailee
"Having Linda as a Clarity Point Coach has completely changed my life. I was struggling with depression, very critical self talk and extremely low self-worth. Through Linda's positive, loving coaching, I have been able to begin the transformation into a more loving, happy, capable version of myself. She has helped me to see my potential and taught me to truly believe in myself. Her encouragement and unconditional love have been incredible and invaluable. I did not even think that I was worth loving and she loved me anyway and loved and coached me right into an absolutely beautiful new way of living life. There are not words enough to express my deep and everlasting gratitude for what she did for me. She has become much more than just a coach to me. Linda is an excellent coach and one of the most amazing people I know. If you're considering Linda as your Clarity Point Coach, then you are thinking about it for a reason. I strongly urge you to stop thinking about it and DO it. It may be the very thing you have been searching for to transform your life in so many amazing ways.""
"I don’t even know where to start, except to say that I cannot recommend this ClarityPoint program ENOUGH! I’ve had struggles over the years with depression and anxiety. I’m not ashamed of it, because I know it’s not something that I can necessarily control. It just is what it is. I’m slowly learning to live with it, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t always do more to help myself. You don’t get anywhere in life by sitting back and waiting for good things to come to you. Good things come to those who are willing to work for it. And working on yourself most definitely counts for that!
Another one of Linda’s past clients (Dr. Dean) recommended this program to me, and he couldn’t say enough good things about it. Going into it, I really wasn’t sure what to expect… But throughout the 12 sessions of the coaching process, I just couldn’t get enough! The stuff you learn in this program is pure GOLD!!! These are things that can change your life for the better, anywhere from learning how to communicate better, improving your relationships, having more self confidence, becoming more productive, figuring out why you do certain things and how to fix bad habits and/or create good habits, and the list goes on and on.
Aside from helping me pinpoint and change negative thinking, it improved areas of my life that I didn’t even know I needed to improve upon.
I realized early on that you don’t even have to be struggling to do life coaching (specifically ClarityPoint)! This program is designed to help literally ANYONE. Like I am at a loss for words. Just speechless. It is THAT good. Stop thinking about it, and just do it. You will not regret it.
Thank you SO much Linda for everything. You are truly one of the kindest, sweetest and most genuinely humble persons I know. "
-Jaesika Gulbransen
"Linda’s kind, patient nature has helped me discover how fear was placing unneeded stress in my life. The inner peace that came from implementing the truth’s Linda shared with me was worth the time and effort I put into the assignments. I would recommend ClarityPoint coaching to anyone—it is amazing!"
-Shanae Branham, Author
"Three months ago I discovered ClarityPoint Coaching and I couldn't get enough! I decided to seek help from Linda because I had seen a story about her before and I had a lot in common with her. When I finally decided I needed some coaching to help me, Linda was there for me! I learned so much from her and discovered the way to live in trust and love and not fear. I am certainly not perfect but I have come to realize my value, and that my life is a classroom and each experience is there to teach me. I came to realize that my value is not on the line and my life is the perfect journey for me, always has been and always will be."
~Sara Visser
"The beginning of this year I sent out a howl to the universe, "I hate my life". The Universe responded by putting me on an airplane in a seat next to Linda Grace Cox. I was not in the mood for casual airplane chats, but Linda engaged me in a deeply personal discussion that surprised and delighted me and in the short time on the plane, gave me hope that I could really do something to relieve the painful state of negative mind-chatter that looped around in my head which I seemingly could not turn off. So began a relationship with my life-coach. I am now at the end of our formal sessions, but plan to continue practicing the skills and tools I have learned doing the clarity program. I now have the tools to flip on the light switch and see more clearly and respond with love instead of fear. Linda has the wonderful gift of love of people. She intuitively knows when to talk and when to listen, when to persist and when to let it be. She's fun and I always looked forward to our sessions. I have gained much through her as my coach and have gratitude for her in my life."
I have known Linda for some time. She is a joy to be around. Linda brings you up just being in her presence. She kindly encouraged me to experience Clarity Point for myself. Linda's patience, understanding, and desire to help others make her the type of life coach I can tell my family, friends, and others about. Clarity Point steps have had a profound effect on the way I view my past. I have a vastly different outlook on my future. I am reminded of the line from a song - "I can see clearly now the rain is gone". I am a diamond in the works. Thanks Linda! Thanks Clarity Point!
I have always been a kind, fun-loving person. I love life, and have felt that I was positive. But what I didn’t realize is that I had the “fake it 'til you make it” mindset. Through Linda’s coaching and the ClarityPoint System, I am happier on the inside than I could have ever imagined. This system with Linda’s coaching is amazing. I call it “magic”. I am more confident and have more trust than I ever have before. I cannot express how much this has helped me in my life and the change that I see daily. I’m so grateful for the help from Linda and ClarityPoint.
~Jaimi Baxter
While growing up I was always told how happy I was, and that's truly how I felt. I have always been a happy person but as I got older I became more fearful. As I experienced, what I consider to be realities of the world I started feeling emotions and thoughts that I hadn't experienced before. A feeling that I often felt was guilt. I felt guilty over things that I shouldn't and I knew I shouldn't but I still felt it. I constantly worried about not being good enough, I don't even know who I was comparing myself too but I just simply worried. These are two feelings that I think are very common throughout people in the world but I didn't think they should be affecting me the way they were. With Coach Linda's help I have been able to recognize my value and the value of others and truly be happy to my core and to better understand my thoughts, feelings, and emotions. As I have been able to understand those feelings etc my outlook on life has changed greatly. I feel that I better understand myself and those around me and can more effectively love myself and others. I am very excited and grateful to have taken this opportunity to go through Clarity Point.
~ Matti Wilcock, Business Owner
I am forever grateful to Linda for helping me gain a vision of life that has changed the way I look at myself, others and life’s challenges. Instead of living in fear, Linda has gently and compassionately guided me in self-discovery and understanding of valuable principles that have left me feeling confident, liberated and inspired. The stimulating lessons of ClarityPoint have enabled me with constructive tools to direct and channel me in every situation I might find myself. Simply put, I have been brought to new heights to see life with clarity.
~ Rhonda
"We enjoyed working with Linda so much. I have known her for many years and it was fun getting to know her even better. She always knows the right question to ask to get you thinking deeper. She also allows enough time of silence for us to think about what she said before going on. Patrick said that he has been able to be more calm and not lose it when he becomes frustrated with me. He is doing much better and I am as well. We are talking nicer to each other. He said he realized just how much he really loves me. Clarity Point helped me to put old stuff aside and recognize it for the fear that it really is and now I just say, I don’t have time for these negative thoughts. The things we learned are very freeing. I am thankful for Linda and the time and effort she put into us."
- Patrick and Linda Cook
"Let me start out by saying Linda is such a blessing. I consider her an amazing gift. I met her originally because we both share a diagnosis of MS. I originally felt in shock, a lack of control over the disease and my life, hopeless, helpless, and fear. Through our conversations, she recommended Clarity Point and I agreed. It's difficult to put in words how much she helped me; not only during our sessions, but afterwards. I went from feeling a sense of helplessness to serious empowerment. Linda taught me how to relate to others, look within myself, see patterns of behaviors that were both positive and negative, and how to love myself again. Which in turn, helps us all share that love with others. She would take each session's theme and apply it specifically to my life and situation. She took great care and time before the session was ended. She genuinely cared about me and my life situation. I would highly recommend Linda if you're feeling the need for life guidance. It has been one of the most incredible blessings and I'm so grateful."
"I always thought I lived a well-ordered and clear life; that was until Multiple Sclerosis. That disease had a way of complicating and blurring my life’s hopes, goals and ambitions. MS, and life lived in a wheelchair, was a challenge, to put it mildly. But that is where fate and the disease aligned, and they brought me to Linda. For that, I am grateful. Through Linda’s coaching and lessons of ClarityPoint, I am more aware of the moment. I have a deeper appreciation for it and realize I am right where I should be. Linda introduced me to principles that guide and strengthen me. And even with the ugliness of some aspects of MS, I recognize that it is what it is and it is all a part of my perfect journey. This is the clarity that guides me to the life I wanted. Thanks Linda!"
"I have known Linda for over 30 years now, and I have always known her to be a happy person whose gift is to see the best in everyone. However, it wasn't until I engaged her as a life coach that I began to understand my fears and the reasons behind them. This has enabled me to make fundamental changes in the way I see and respond to the people and situations in my life. I feel more free to be who I am and not worry about what other people might think. Thanks, Linda! "
"I became very intrigued as Coach Linda introduced me to the concepts and background of Clarity Point. To be honest, I wasn't too sure about having a life coach. I've always felt strong and capable of conducting my own life without outside coaching. Linda's natural, easy-going, loving approach made it easy.
She avoids passing judgement and is truly there to help her clients 'see' more clearly and to improve their lives. She helps open doors that lead to greater emotional freedom and tranquility. I have now taken the course and have been Coached by Miss Linda. I learned how my views and approach to life is often based upon my fears. Various fears. Fears of not being good enough. Fears of being unlovable. Fears of not being able to control my own life or to maintain a debt-free state in financial security, etc. She taught the deeper meaning of conducting my life in Trust and Love. These are opposite to fear-based living.
Fear-based living is often an existence in unhappiness and stress and distrust. I am reminded by Coach Linda that regardless of what's happened in my past or present life, it doesn't change my value, or that we are all still diamonds of infinite worth. This Coaching has improved my marital relationship. It allows me to 'reset' my thinking or approach to life in 'Trust & Love' when I recognize old fears creeping back in, or when I'm faced with the many stresses of daily living. I'm reminded more to value and validate others who are also on their 'perfect journey'. This course helps us all to 're-program' and become more of the beings that we are meant to be, Life is meant to be lived joyfully. Clarity Point and a great coach like Linda helps to set us back on that path. I'm surely grateful to Coach Linda. I recommend her to all. "
~ Dr. Dean
"You can’t go wrong with the Clarity Point program. Linda was amazing. She always showed up ready to listen and ask questions that helped me uncover what I needed to learn. Her empathy made me feel validated, yet her directness always led me to see how I could be better. I loved working with her and our sessions were always the highlight of my week! I don’t have one negative thing to say about any of it. I’m so grateful for Linda and Clarity Point because I have grown so much as a person since I started. If you commit, you will grow and be set up for success once it’s over. I will forever be grateful that I invested this time in myself! So worth it!

At 61 years old Linda Grace Cox is a happily married mother of eight, and has been living with Multiple Sclerosis since 1995. Linda’s unexpected path in life has led to her helping others choose true joy in their own realities. Since earning a Bachelors Degree in social work at BYU, her drive and focus has always been to help others with compassion and nurturing. Whether working as a group counselor at the abused women’s shelter in Anchorage or while raising their eight children who have grown to be wonderful young adults, Linda has always been a nurturer. Her gift for wanting to help others fits perfectly with Life Coaching!
FIRST - Set up one introductory appointment with a Coach and give coaching a try. See if you like it and the Claritypoint approach.
If you like it, you have a couple options:
Small Group Coaching - These groups have 4-6 women or men. The sessions are done by conference call, every other week for six months. (So you can do the program from the comfort of your home.)You spend 1.5-2 hours with your coach learning the material, having discussions and experiences together as a group. You also have daily homework in between sessions. This consists of a small reading assignment and some journal writing. Many people love the group format because they learn so much from each other and make some great friends. This is the most inexpensive way to experience coaching.
Executive Life Coaching - You can work with a coach one on one, meeting weekly to experience the Claritypoint process in it's most life changing format. You will gain rock-solid self-esteem, communication and relationship skills, time management, motivation repair, and cure your fear of failure forever. This process will be customized to fit your specific needs and schedule.